C13 Images

1 Commissioned by Gingko Projects.
2 In collaboration with Shape Studio.
3 Radio interview about the project can be heard here.
1 Commissioned by Gingko Projects.
2 In collaboration with Shape Studio.
3 Radio interview about the project can be heard here.
Cultivate (2015) was commissioned by Gingko Projects, developed in collaboration with residents of Charlton Hayes, Sovereign Housing Association and Bovis Homes.
Working with community led design processes, I worked closely with Shape Studio. Working together, we facilitated community design workshops to inform the design, fabrication and installation of two interactive structures.
Cultivate Fun Day
On Sunday 27th September 2015, I organised a fun day for residents and friends and family of Charlton Hayes. Working in conjunction with Southern Brooks, over 100 people attended on the day, and there were over 15 stall holders / workshops being run by local people.
A highlight of the day was a communal fruit salad toss, coordinated by This is Rubbish. All food was food that would have otherwise been wasted, and on the day it was handed out for free to all visitors.