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(4)Still Alive!
Still Alive! Dispatches from Everday Life and Academia is a publication I made while I was in Madrid, June 2019. I had a few days in intense heat, before I presented my praxis-research at the Internoise conference. I had this feeling that I might be able to carve out a first synthesis of what I’d been thinking and writing about into a short (ish) publication. This is what came from the process. It’s very much a work in progress, but goes some way in communicating what I’m thinking about, and what I’ve been making through the process of working through and working up my PhD.
To resist daily subjection to a capitalist consumer culture, many art critics call for an action-based art that interacts with, and changes reality, “taking steps – however small – to repair the social bond” damaged by capitalism.
(Claire Bishop, 2012, p. 11)